15 Foto yang Ngebuktiin Kita "Gak Boleh Remehin Emak Berdaster", Karena Kalau Mereka Udah Dandan…
Minggu, 10 Juni 2018

The daily action plan is a step-by-step approach to help you meet your selling goals and produce a compelling insurance career. An insurance agent who follows a daily action plan diligently is most likely to achieve success. Below is an example of a good daily action plan. 1. Get up and do the work. Since you are now self-employed, discipline must begin from yourself. Know what your responsibilities and duties on your work and make sure that you, yourself is responsible enough on your actions inside and outside work. 2. Organize your thoughts. List all the things you need to do, work and non-work related. It helps prepare your mind set and gives you direction on your plans throughout the day. One of the ways to do so through writing it on a notebook / notepad, or probably a small white board that you can place on your station where you can list all the things you need to do for the day and probable on the upcoming days. 3. Determine your activity for the day. Schedule your activities as to when and where you will be most productive and most efficient. Making your own time management plan will help you out. 4. Do your record-keeping. Keep a record of your clients' numbers, the time and frequency of your calls and notes on your client calls. 5. Generate leads. If you call 15 people a day, you need to generate 15 new prospects to replace inventory. Be more proactive and don't let laziness conquer you. 6. Phone at the right time. Do not be trapped into calling only during the night. While it may be the best time to call most, there are also many prospects available to call during day time. 7. Do your homework. Knowledge is power. Having the right knowledge allows you to ask the proper questions to gain essential information you need. If you have extra time, you can actually take several online courses that may add up on your current knowledge, professional development, and so on. 8. Mail out marketing letters. Tip:a personalized approach is the best way to go. You can forego company affiliation and just write your name on the return section. You don't want people to be turned off by envelopes shouting THIS IS A MARKETING LETTER. Be creative. Sometimes, people like to read out letters that are not to serious, yet compelling to read. 9. Make those dreaded phone calls. Don't be disheartened if people won't grant you appointments. Instead, make this an opportunity to gain leads by asking for referrals. Some people may not be interested yet, but other may and this is one way for you to generate more leads and prospects. 10. Prepare for your interviews. Do your research and have information handy. Do not rely on current data you have, rather research on what things you should prepare for on an interview. 11. Go out on actual appointments. Be ahead of time in case you get lost. This also allows you to survey and get a feel of the area before doing the interview. Most clients like to see their agents get to appointments early rather than late. Getting early also helps you prepare yourself for the interview. 12. Do the actual interview. Ask key questions, present your product clearly, then close and ask for referred leads. Make sure that your client understood everything you have handed them. 13. Send out "thank you" letters. Send out a thank you card or letter after your interview. Avoid generic statements. People will remember you more if you are personal and sincere. 14. Update your list. At the end of the day, review your list and update it for the next day.